Do you want to be an effective peer-to-peer or personal fundraiser? Or are you thinking of working for a non-profit organization and you are searching for the best ways of equipping those people who are raising funds on your behalf?
If you are an individual and you want to raise funds for a cause that you deeply care about or if you are a non-profit organization searching for the best ways of equipping and motivating your supporters and other people to raise funds for your fundraising events, then this article contains all the tips you need.
#1 - Create a List
Create a list of your workout buddies, co-workers, family and friends. They are potential donors. Be creative here. You may have neighbours, sports club members, and doctors who can support you.
It is important to build a big list of potential donors. Do not leave anyone out. Your list should include everyone you know.
#2 - Have a Fundraising Goal and Raise the Goal Regularly
Set a fundraising goal. Have something to aim for all the time. You will always do better than you aim for so aim high.
Having a very high fundraising goal will motive you, your supporters and your donors such as your family and friends.
A person sets a goal when he/she registers, but know that you can go back to raise the goal. Raise the goal when you start getting fundraising dollars.
Know the money you are raising is for a cause you care about. Do not limit yourself. Work very hard to raise more than you think is possible.
#3 - Start with Hand Written Letters
Start by sending hand written letters. Do not use emails. Sending an email is fast and you can get instant results. If you want to show personal touch, then send hand written letters.
Make your first request with a hand written letter. Deliver the letter personally if you can.
Most people do not throw hand written letters before reading them. However, some of your best friends may forget or lose your emails because their inboxes are usually overcrowded. The do not do it intentionally.
There are some people who will not respond to your letters; emails are used to follow-up to these people.
#4 - What is Your Inspiration?
Do you know why you are supporting your cause? Remember these reasons, especially when you are going to meet a donor.
Include a personal message in your fundraising goals and in the personal appeals, you are sending to your family and friends. Your personal message should include the reason why you decided to support the cause and how does the fundraising efforts mean to you.
Make the personal message more personal.
#5 - Use Online Fundraising Tools
Use an online tool to help you manage the fundraising efforts.
Use a tool like Blackbaud's Friends Asking Friends. Use it to set up a fundraising webpage that will help you achieve your fundraising goals. This tool also allows you to send email appeals, track your progress and write a personal message.
Your donors such as your family and friends can support you with this resource and you can use it track the fundraising campaign. Direct your contacts to your personal web page.
#6 - Meet People
It is important to meet with your family and friends who are ready to donate. Ask other friends to donate also.
The best places for meeting people in person is family reunions, church, soccer games and dinner parties. Ask these people to donate also.
It is hard for people to say NO if you speak to them in person.
Create simple "fundraising cards" with an URL of your personal fundraising page. For example; http://www.nonprofitname/event/frankbarry.
Hand the card to the people who you will meet in person. Some of them may make a donation online.
#7 - Personalize It
Ask people to donate if you want them to donate. People will not donate if you do not ask them.
Your friends and family love you and they respect that you are supporting a good cause.
Use the fundraising web page and emails to tell people why you are supporting your cause. Communicate your passion to your co-workers, family, friends and other potential donors. This is very important if you want to reach your fundraising goals.
#8 - Follow Up
Most people put things off. We are all busy and most of us have different responsibilities. You should always send a little reminder.
There are some people who might have indicated that they will donate. If they have not, follow-up with a reminder email or a phone call. Do this when the time for fundraising is almost over.
#9 - Create a Team
It is important to create your team that will help you raise funds. Your team members may include your friends, family, and co-workers. These people should be able to talk to people and get their attention – in some cases colourful clothes or even fundraising with glow sticks can help grab attention when out and about.
It is easy to raise money when you are working as a team. Team member's help, encourage and inspire each other.
#10 - Thank You Notes
Sending thank you notes is the most powerful thing you can do.
Thank everyone who supported you and your cause. Send them personal notes, emails and thank them in person.